This article is submitted by Tony Simon of Simon Says Train. Tony is a NRA certified Firearms Instructor and political activist from New Jersey. He can be seen on his various social media outlets as well as the Firearms Radio Network podcasts. Contact Tony HERE. ![]() We all remember the “Bring Back Our Girls” photo with First Lady Michelle Obama that became the example of the uselessness of social networking activism without action. “Our girls” still aren't back! Sadly in the firearms community we also suffer from #hashtavism; this is when gun owners think posting memes and “liking” a post is supporting the Second Amendment. I read a post on a firearms related page that stated if you didn't join the NRA you were part of the gun control problem. It got a lot of support from NRA members but a loud minority of posts were from people that hated the NRA for a variety of reasons, but at no point did the anti-NRA posters say they were a member of a different pro-2A organization. I don't feel it is necessary to be a NRA member to be a 2A advocate, even though I am a NRA recruiter, I do believe it takes more than posts on social media to fight for our civil right to keep and bear arms. The NRA has 2 different sides, (the NRA and the NRA-ILA) and they operate independently of each other.
The NRA has firearms safety classes and education, firearms training, donates to various clubs and organizations like the Boy Scouts of America, supports police training and donates money to ranges around the country. This is where NRA membership dues and donations are used. The NRA-ILA is the Institute for Legislative Action it is a different organization with a different budget. NRA membership money and donations don't go to the NRA-ILA, because it is a lobbying organization. This is the part of the NRA with which some people seem to have a problem. NRA membership dues have nothing to do with this organization. If the NRA-ILA and its work bothers you join another pro-2A group. Find one whose ideals you agree with, but join a group. As individuals we can write legislators, but we don't file lawsuits against local, state, and the federal government. As individuals we don't organize funds, provide lawyers, or get media spotlights put on cases of governmental abuse against gun owners. Join a state or local organization of your choice, or start your own pro2A group if you feel none of the larger groups have your interest in mind. In New Jersey we have NJ2AS (New Jersey 2nd Amendment Society). They are a grassroots group that has started a recall attempt to rid New Jersey of the anti-gun president of the state senate. The ANJRPC (Assoc. of New Jersey Pistol and Rifle Clubs) has it's own program that is sending towns that don't comply with state laws in approving Firearms ID cards and pistol purchasing permits letters informing them that they are breaking the law. They are going to take these towns and cities to court where they will have to explain to a judge why they can't seem to comply with state laws. There are great groups like SAF (Second Amendment Foundation) which has two dozen pro 2A court cases going at any one time.They were involved in U.S. Supreme Court cases D.C. Vs Heller and McDonald vs Chicago. Those two cases are the most important rulings in modern times regarding the right to bear arms. They could use your donations or you can join for $15 a year. If you believe that the NRA-ILA compromises our rights away you can join the Gun Owner's of America. GOA's membership is $20 a year. They were called “ the only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington” by Ron Paul. Lastly there is the JPFO (Jew for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership). Despite its name, this group is open to all people regardless of religion. This group also feels that the NRA-ILA is too willing to compromise on the 2nd Amendment, they are ardently against gun control. If you feel this group is more in line with your thinking you can be a member for $25 a year. There are pro-RTKBA (Right To Keep and Bear Arms) groups and organizations large and small in every state and they could all use your time and/or money to fight anti gunners inside and outside of our government. Posting pro gun memes, pictures of you and your guns, sharing post/videos, calling yourself a sheepdog, or joining pro2A FaceBook groups doesn't make you a 2nd amendment activist, it makes you a 2nd amendment beneficiary. If all you do is cheer or criticize from the sidelines you are not helping the cause you claim to support. The existing groups that are fighting for our rights could use your help both with your time and your money. If you don't like any of the groups that you have found, you think the existing groups don't represent you, or you think that you can do better, then start your own organization. The entire point of advocacy can be summed up in one phrase. DON'T TALK ABOUT IT, BE ABOUT IT! The new 2015 BBR T-shirts are coming soon! We're using new, lighter materials to provide more "performance based" shirts. Customers told us they wanted better wicking and moisture control than our 100% cotton shirts were providing. They're still tagless for comfort, and there will be more designs coming later. Here are the first two: ![]() The new 2015 BBR Shirts are coming soon! This year's 2015 "Bagman" shirt pays homage to the Silent Professional. Whether he's the CIA field agent, the executive protection specialist, or the contract intelligence officer, he knows that loose lips sink ships. He's seen it all, and he could tell you stories. But he won't! Our classic bag man is carrying Top Secret documents and telling you everything you need to know- absolutely nothing! ![]() This year's 2015 Drone Operator shirt pays tribute to the unsung heroes behind the controls of one of our nation's most controversial pieces of equipment. With a semi humorous approach to a very serious line of work, the 2015 BBR Drone Operator shirt features a combination of arcade video game and movie poster styling sure to impress any critic. Inspired by classic "invader" video games and 80's era pilot movies, the Drone Operator shirt is perfect for UAV hobbyists too! Order either of these awesome new shirts from the Black Bag Resources online store! You'll also be the first to see them at ION 2015 at Skirmish. Both shirts are on sale now, and every BBR shirt is a limited production run. Once they're gone, they're gone for good!
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